Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) Partial Tear Update

It's been two years since Zio was preliminarily diagnosed with a partial CCL tear by my (ex)vet.  A friend referred me to a forum group that discusses dogs with orthopedic issues.  I also did a lot of research online to consider available options.  Everyone seemed eager to jump to the conclusion that immediate surgery (knee reconstruction) was the best solution.  I did get a referral from my vet to the leading orthopedic surgeon here in Oklahoma City, but I never felt completely comfortable with the diagnosis.  Without exploratory surgery, I think it would be extremely difficult to diagnose a partial tear by manipulation alone.  He was never reactionary with manipulation or pressure.  The non-weight bearing limp can indicated that the bones are slipping and causing friction if the CCL is torn. With a partial tear, there probably wouldn't be any slipping though.

I mentioned the situation to my personal doctor during my annual physical and he thought it was crazy to consider reconstructive surgery on a partial tear.  He said they would never consider that a solution on a human patient. 

I decided to go with six weeks of rest and ordered some Joint Strong supplement powder.  We did very short walks around the block initially every other day (off leash, since he thinks he's a sled dog on leash).  We gradually built that up until he was going about a mile.  The limp disappeared after the first five days.  He began practicing again after two months and I've kept him on Joint Strong for the last two years.   He is now running his fastest times ever and I'm very glad we didn't just go with the majority opinion and do major knee reconstruction. 

My recommendation if you find yourself in the same boat?  Don't believe the "surgery is the solution" crowd on a suspected partial tear.  Do your own research and see what feels comfortable.  Ask about non-surgical options.  The vet that referred me to the orthopedic surgeon is not my vet any more, but for a different reason though.  I should have sought a second opinion, but it worked out well!

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