Monday, December 6, 2010


We had a good indoor practice at Canine Sports Academy yesterday with everone seeming to make progress with their dogs. Zio was pretty rock steady and was doing good turns with the jump board in place. We did run one exercise without props when we added Cody into the Speeding Sheepdog team. Connie said that Zio's turns were good without the prop... so I'm hoping that continuing to practice turns will solidify his turns in a tournament. It's good having the practices a little more planned and organized.

We also took Zio to A1 Pet Emporium and he got a Christmas picture taken by the their tree. They had a Santa to pose with, but Zio wasn't having anything to do with the guy in the scary red suit. For one, he was wearing scary dead things on his feet (leather boots) and that is an immediate warning sign in his mind. Heck, he won't even come to me if I'm wearing dead things on my feet. Second, the guy came over to try and be friends and Zio does much better if he can check things out while the person isn't paying attention.

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