Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jumps Too! (or is it Two Jumps?)

Zio has been going to the box fairly consistently from 25-30 feet now. I put a jump in at 15' and he seemed a little confused. I moved it closer to the box and sent him from 10' and he seemed to get the idea. The next session, I moved it back to 15' and he knew what to do. I eventually put a second jump in, which puts him starting from about 30 feet. Fast forward a few sessions and he is pretty consistent going over two jumps to the box and back.

As an interesting note, he sort of lopes to the empty box, but then punches it hard and zooms back to the tug. His last stride to the box is actually a long leap... which is exactly how Susan Owen's Jean-Luc is hitting the empty box! I'd like to try a third jump, but I'll wait until Sunday's practice since I only brought the two home.

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